Language Access Rally & Hearing: April 14

Apr. 16, 2014 / By

languageIs the City doing its job to implement language access?

Last year in August 2013, community residents were successful in urging the City Council to pass a City-wide Language Access Policy that increased and improved translation and interpretation services for residents in Spanish, Khmer and Tagalog.  Come to this important hearing and let the City know how it is doing in making City Services Language Accessible.
Your Voice Matters!
Help improve the City’s Language Access Policy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
4:00pm – Rally outside City Hall
5:00pm – Language Access Hearing

333 W. Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA

In the City Council Chambers, located on the first floor of City Hall.
Sponsored by the Language Access Coalition
For more information, contact Ladine Chan, 

Educated Men with Meaningful Messages (EM3) at (562) 491-9100
Spanish: Jorge Rivera, Housing Long Beach at (562) 444-5197
Tagalog: Alex Montances, Filipino Migrant Center at (562) 438-9515
Khmer: Susana Sngiem, United Cambodian Community at (562) 433-2490

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VoiceWaves is a Long Beach youth-led journalism and media-training project. The youth, ages 16-24, are learning to report, write, and create digital journalism content. Their reports will raise awareness of community health issues and activate change.