Doctor’s Word: Why Bridging Practitioners to Elder Research Makes Sense

Dec. 24, 2012 / By



Physician’s Money Digest / New America Media, News Analysis, Eric Anderson, Posted:Dec 15, 2012

SAN DIEGO–Academic experts in aging stand on their college and university hilltops watching the health care battles going on down below. These gerontologists see the big picture better than practicing geriatricians, the doctors toiling in the trenches with older patients, who often feel they know what’s really happening.

As the huge baby boom generation reaches its later years, it will be increasingly important for the academics, medical practitioners and family caregivers, too, to listen to each other.

Sometimes we doctors need distance to understand today’s major health delivery issues. Any geriatrician attending the recent Gerontological Society of America (GSA) conference in San Diego might have been fascinated to discover the academic-research world worries as much as physicians do about our aging society’s problems.

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